Product and Service Value Proposition Design
Are you thinking about a new product or service and seeking a partner to help you face multiple questions? How exactly should it work? Who would be the right customer to reach and how the innovation should be communicated? How to scale it and monetize it?
We will lead an inter-disciplinary team to help you design compelling value. Potentially starting from scratch and up to the implementation stage, we’ll guide you in how to deliver the value through a service or a product itself, as well as across every digital and offline touchpoint. We’ll support you in making innovation profitable and scalable, at low risk.
#Innovation Design #Customer Journey #Service Blueprint #Value Proposition Design #Business Model Design #Service Design #Product Design #Experience Design #Business Viability
Our examples
Value proposition design in financial services
Premium credit card value proposition design
Problem: A leading CEE bank wanted to develop a new, unique credit card value proposition for the premium segment.
Solution: We collected insights via customer interviews engaging the whole project team, trends analysis in non-financial premium services and review of the spend patterns. In a 2-day design workshop involving a broad interdisciplinary team, we ideated value-added service concepts and instantly prototyped and tested them with customers. After an additional round of testing, we recommended a new credit card concept, implementation strategy, sales channels and pricing model.
Impact: In a 2-months process, we developed a new solution to be implemented by the bank.
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"Design dla Przedsiębiorców" subsidy program
Value proposition creation process for your products or services in 5 steps (in Polish)
Value proposition design for legal tech
Value proposition design for innovative legal tech services
Problem: A startup Applied Intelligence Sp. z o. o. aimed to create a brand new service for legal tech, powered by artificial intelligence.
Solution: We collected inspirations from Poland and the USA from the legal tech sector. During a co-creation workshop with representatives of the legal sector, we identified customers need which haven’t been yet addressed by existing products and services. We also designed potential service ideas which directly address those needs.
Impact: We helped the company in better understanding customers needs and existing solutions. We minimized the risk of creating a value proposition that does not address customers needs.