
How can the aviation industry convince travellers to fly again?

How can the aviation industry convince travellers to fly again?

Our research shows that there are 5 basic types of risk that customers take into account when deciding on whether or not to travel by air. In the full article we’ve listed those risks along with good aviation industry practices, but have we also included examples of strategies from other industries, which may serve as an inspiration. Read the full article

Hypotheses about the future of travel in the post pandemic world

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The COVID-19 pandemic may be remembered as the single most disruptive event in modern history. It is likely to durably reshape the customer, employee and organizational behaviour. Many of us might be currently asking ourselves what the upcoming future will be like and how to prepare to do business in such an environment.

Our team felt a strong urge to come to a common vision of what the post pandemic landscape might look like. Therefore we conducted a series of internal futures thinking exercises, the summarized results of which covering the area of travel you may find in our article on Medium: